Child in a green top holding a small house and plant in her hands

Moving House Plants

Cultivating plants is a work of passion. Hours are spent pruning, feeding, and watering and a single long distance move can destroy all that hard work. Moving house plants doesn’t have to be a death sentence though. Follow these three fool-proof methods for moving house plants:

Make Room in the Car

Regardless of the care and attention given to packing, the car is always the best way to transport house plants. Homeowners can ensure proper packing and climate control during a long move that simply isn’t possible through other means of transportation. To reduce the room the plants take up, remove bigger plants from their pots and prune them down. Reduce the root ball and wrap it in a wet cloth then a trash bag to keep the vehicle clean during the move. During the move, keep the vehicle at a comfortable temperature and avoid long stops that will cause the temperature to move to the extreme. Transporting plants in a car is the optimal way to move them.

Take Cuttings

Perhaps you’re concerned that your house plants are too big or fragile to survive a long move. A good alternative is to take a piece with you, by way of a cutting. To take a cutting, find a healthy growth that is three to six inches long and make a clean cut. Remove the leaves from the lower half of the stem. Place the cutting in a sealable plastic bag and blow air into the bag before closing to provide the humidity necessary for the trip. Once the cutting has arrived, plant it in a rich soil and cover with clear plastic to create an environment high in humidity for optimal growth. Taking a cutting when moving house plants also means that you could give the original plant to friends and family, as a farewell gift.

Send it Via Mail

If a car ride isn’t possible when moving house plants, the mail service is the next best mode of transportation. After consulting with local and destination mail services, to determine whether it’s legal to ship house plants, packing them correctly is imperative. Always mail plants with a bare root to avoid spreading soil-borne diseases. If herbaceous, wrap the root ball with moist paper towels and then in plastic wrap to prevent water from seeping into the box. Plants should be packaged in a box that snuggly fits the plant without much wiggle room. Pack the plant with Styrofoam peanuts to provide padding during transit. Finally, mail the package as fast as economically possible.

Before moving house plants, make sure local and national laws will allow it. To avoid losing plants to government agents, contact the Canadian Food Inspection Agency or the relevant Customs & Border Protection, if moving abroad.

For more advice on moving specific household items, please contact Tippet-Richardson today!